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Pune Investment:Empowering Investors: Ilo at the 27th World Investment Conference in New Delhi

Admin88 2024-10-25 21 0

Empowering Investors: Ilo at the 27th World Investment Conference in New Delhi

In A Significant Event for the Global Investment Community, The 27th World Investment Conference, Themed 'Empowering Investors: Investment agencies Pioneering Future Growth, 'WAS Held in New Delhi, INDIA, from 11 to 14 December 2023. Jointly Hosted byThe GoverNort of India and Invest India, The Conference Served as a Vibrant Platform for Investors and iPas to Engage in Meaningful Discussions, Foster Dialogues, CUL Tivate Business Relationships, and Explore Opportunities for Collaboration.

At the Opening Plenary, Mr. Ismail Ersahin, CEO and Executive Director of the World Association of Investment Promotion AGENCIES (WAIPA), Provement An Overview of Th E Current LandScape in Which iPas Operate and the Growing Trend Towards More Closely Linking the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Attraction and facilition with Sustainable and Quality FDI, a path that waita and its members have committed to many Years. ED the Importance Waipa Attaches to the Collaboration with the Ilo, supporting and guiding iPas in considering development workOpportUnities in Investment Promotion EFFORTS.

The Ilo-WAIPA Collaboration has to the development of key performance indicators (KPIS) for Measuring The IMPACT of Fdi On Decent Work, Based On the Guidance F OUND in the Ilo Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterpris and Social Policy (Mne DeClaration).The KPIS WERE LAUNCHED DRING The ConferencePune Investment. This Tool Aims to Support iPas in Better Assession the IMPACT of Fdi On Decent Work, Thus Assisting the ENHANCING DI's Positive Contribution to Inclusion Economic Growth and Sustainable Development. In Addition to the Presentation of the KPIS,The session featured testimonials from Mr. Hossam Heiba, CEO of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI), Egypt and Mr. R. Grant, CEO of the. Hana Investment Promotion Center (GIPC). They noted the image of dueWork as a Key objective of attracting fdi in their countries. Both Welcomed the KPIS AS useful too well help &ESTMESTMESITINTINTINT PITE Ional Decent Work Priorities. Interactive Polls During the Session Revealed that iPas are inclied to adopt kpis with the aimof facilitating the inward flow of fdi as a means to easy a sustainable hub.

In the Strategic Consultation by Multilatoral Organizations on Startups, The ILO Highlight The Importance of Decentrations in the Operations of Startups A s A Strategy for Attraction Both Investors and Customers.startup ecosystem.

In the ‘iPas of G20 National’ Meeting, The Ilo Emphasized the Need for Dialogue Between Investors and Policymakers to Streangthen Policy ” Articularly On Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

The ILO was also invited to ConDuct a Training Session for Over 70 Indian iPas On Quality Fdi for Decent Works, the TOOLS, and and and and And s.

The Conference Concluded with the Ilo Reinforcing ITS Collaboration with the World Investment for Development Alliance (Wida), Which It Had Joined in Early 2023. It REIT Erated the Importance of Identifying More Opportunities for Peer-Learning Between iPas to Support Mutual Growth and Development.Kolkata Stocks

This world Investment Conference Served as a Pivotal Moment in Advancing the Ilo's Initiatives to Align Investment ES. It is geed Towards Guiding iPas in Integration The Responsible Business Conduct and Decent Into their Investment Frameworks. FURTHERMOREThe Foundation for Enhanced PARTNERSHIPS and Strategic Advancements Between The Ilo and iPas, Aiming at Shaping A More Equitable Global INESTMENT scape.

Article Address: http://marygk9999.com/FM/49.html

Article Source:Admin88

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